I currently take Klaire Labs Ther-Biotic complete (http://www.klaire.com/prod/proddetail.asp?id=V775-06)...I take 3 capsules a day (1 with breakfast, 2 in the evening with my aloe and vit C for a total of 75 billion CFUs...but am thinking about switching to the powder for 100bill+ CFUs: http://www.klaire.com/prod/proddetail.asp?id=K-TCP)
Anyways, my questions are:
-does Miracle-Mineral-Supplement kill the good guys?
-Will taking probiotics be contradictory during MMS therapy?
-Should I continue my probiotics at the current dose or lower or increase the dose?
-When is the best time(s) to take them so that they don't interact with the MMS?