Re: Evidence of "giant" stones passing through common bile duct
"Now keeping all this in mind let's consider large the gallbladder would have to be for this story to be true. Not even including the "sludge" and "gravel" he claims out the total size of the "stone" count would be over 125 centimeters or OVER 49 inches!!!"
LOLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!! What the hell is wrong with you? It's called VOLUME. Go do a google search and find out what it means.
What is really a riot here is the fact that you seem to think that these soap stones were flat since that is the only way they could have fit. I know what volume is, but clearly you do not understand the concept so I am going to help you out.
So let's start with the volume of the gallbladder, which is roughly 4X1X1 inches in size. Thus it has a volume of 4 cubic inches. Now we have according to your ridiculous claims 49 inches of flat "stones" apparently. Since we know that they are not flat we will have to calculate based on assumed sizes. Now normally a real stone would have nearly the same length as height and width. But to make you look less foolish let's assume the height and width is only half the length. This would give us a total volume of 29,412.25 cubic inches. So you are trying to claim that 29,412.25 cubic inches of real gallstones can fit in to a gallbladder with a capacity of only 4 cubic inches!!!! As you said: "Hhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaaaa!!!"
Maybe some day the "liver flush" supporters will finally figure out how ridiculous they really are being!!!