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Re: Okay, now we come to all the bleeding heart 'goodness of me' garbage ("ME", the good PERSON).

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been there done that Views: 1,723
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Re: Okay, now we come to all the bleeding heart 'goodness of me' garbage ("ME", the good PERSON).


Most believers, unfortunately for them, 'GO TO' "church". When they speak to God, it is at their chosen "pray" LOCATION (throughout the day/night),.....they "GO TO" God and "GO TO" worship. They "GO TO" their "devotion" and they relate to God (their own kind of "relationship") as having Him be EXTERNAL to them.

I say it is not right for us to have to "GO TO" God, worship, devotion. Our "RELATIONSHIP" should be such a warm, close relationship that God SHOULD be INTERNAL, not "external".

I only 'OFFER' to help those who want help. I only OFFER insight and understanding, but I will not attempt to CONVINCE anyone against their will that they should choose to know God as being INTERNAL (inside) to them. I will not BEG or convince anyone at all to have a "more excellent" devotion/relationship of deep love for GOD ONLY, and neither does God DESIRE it (you'll find out at the final judgement how He feels about your 'BOOK DEVOTION).

I see that you use the NIV that uses the word "rebuke" instead of the word "reproof". The difference in meanings is that "rebuke" means to "chew someone out and put them in their place" (hostility). REPROOF means to PROVE that they need CORRECTION (gently explain).

2 Tim. the RSV......."and profitable for teaching, for reproof".

This verse is saying essentially that scripture is for "TRAINING" ("MILK").

To my knowledge, I have previously clearly shown that there is a difference between "MILK" and "SOLID FOOD".

Well, I'm not going to go into that explanation because you simply don't have enough 'HEART' to understand anyway. You think of AND "CALL" what I and others say....."HOGWASH"...well, this is simply not a GODLY ATTITUDE towards your fellow human being.

You COULD SAY that our explanations/understandings simply don't make sense to you and that you disagree, but you instead rather call it "HOGWASH" as though we're stupid and you are better than us.......(NO EXCUSES, that's what you're doing and you know it).

Many believers, if they feel at all uncomfortable about what I write, they simply ignore me as being "eccentric" or a "Kook", but others get all upset by the ideas of "REST IN THE LORD" and the "law of LIBERTY", so they run to their pastor and ask for some kind of RATIONALIZATION to ignore and discredit what I write (like they're afraid of "freedom")....and then they come back with this NASTY, SELF-RIGHTEOUS and CONDESCENDING attitude just like yours (or is this whole 'attitude thing' your own idea?).

IF you truly decide and have the ability to ever have a change of heart, don't apologize to me or ask me forgiveness (I am no respecter of "persons" and don't care how bad you could ever feel).......BUT, you could apologize to everyone else on this forum for your condescension.


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