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Re: Help with a Juice Fast
kchester Views: 6,400
Published: 14 y
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Re: Help with a Juice Fast

Thanks so much for the advice and the link. I did a spinach, celery, lettuces and parsley. It made about a little over a cup of juice. Then for dinner I made one with spinach, a yam, celery, carrots and a little red bell pepper. It made about 2 cups. I have to say the detox process with this was nothing short of overwhelming. I was incredibly disoriented after the last juice and then I was shakey and extremly COLD. I had several bowel movements, which I'm sure is a good thing. Since I have only had one the second day. However, I was almost dibilitated with the physical affects it had. I was horribly dizzy. And with the being disoriented, freezing, dizzy and shaking I'm not sure I'm not doing something wrong. I had thoughts of I've done too much or the wrong combinations have I given my body what it needs 5 days into a this to go through all of this. Its morning now and the above affects are all but gone. Now I'm weak and my entire body aches especially my knees and shins. I'm drinking a combinnation of pineapple and blackberries right now it will amount to about a cup or more of juice and the majority of it is pineapple, as you can imagine. I'm terribly concerned about todays green juices or this juice for that matter. I can't exactly function like I was last night nor do I know if it being that extreme is normal or okay. I don't want to quit. I also don't want to hurt myself because I do it wrong and just am ignorant. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks :)


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