Make sure your electrolytes/blood sugar is balanced. Low blood sugar/low blood pressure can cause you to feel cold. Candidas alcohol byproducts can cause electrolyte imbalances. Also, any laxatives or diurectics taken the night before can cause sodium loss in the morning-which makes you feel cold in the morning. I usually have to supplement with sodium in the mornings because i have low blood pressure in the morning which can make me feel cold. But as soon as my blood pressure goes up I dont feel cold. My wife feels cold if her blood sugar/blood pressure is too low. She feels hot if her blood pressure is too high--due to too much sugar or salt intake. Body temperature and blood pressure go hand in hand. Being on the candida diet can cause low blood sugar. My triglycerides were very low when it was tested. Its hard to have good energy levels and be on the candida diet--due to low blood sugar.
A hot shower usually helps me in the morning-our water is purified. If your shower water is tap water it could be making you tired because of the chlorine vapors your breathing in.