Re: Long hot showers feel so good, but make me tired?
I have a low body temperature as well. With adrenal fatigue, your adrenal glands can`t handle the energy from the thyroid, so it down regulates the thyroid. Dr Rind has some good articles on this.
The are also a few things that restrict blood vessels and therefore make it harder for blood to get the extremities.
If you are sympathetic dominant (like we all are), this signals your body to restrict blood to the extremities....a classic fight or flight response. Lots and lots of meditation , avoiding stress, no action movies, etc. Learn about all the things to avoid that stimulate your sympathetic nervous system.
You`ll know you are making progress if you startle response get slower. We have a cat that like to sneak up on us, so she is kind enough to test my startle response at least once a day for free.
Magnesium can also help dilate the blood vessels. This helped my. I used transdermal magnesium oil. Just don`t go overboard on the dosage. I did that and created a low calcium problem.
And I know I talk about ths a lot, but CO2 is also a dilator of blood vessels. When I have a really good Buteyko breathing session, I can feel my arms and body get hot.
Good luck and I hope this helps