Thank you so much for this great information!
Sorry I am so long to reply.
Especially like what you wrote:
I am still not sure about what I have but I think there is both an internal and muscular skeletal aspect.
I was getting worse working out with weight equipment at a gym- I cut that out. I am now working with a physical therapist trained in The Egoscue Method
and have had some trigger point massage. Egoscue works on ones entire structural alignment and I hope it will not only help my upper right quadrant pain but both of my knees that suffered injuries from dance and riding.
I am still working to improve my mucosal lining and any possible ulcer and I am avoiding gluten just in case that helps. I had noticed I did not feel well when eating bread and even though I tested negative for Celiac disease twice I think I may be gluten sensitive. I know it takes a long time to heal the mucosal lining and ulcers.
The last month the pain is so much better but I still have discomfort and that keeps me seeking. I am confident that there is a spiritual purpose to my suffering. I have been learning and keep seeking. My suffering turns to blessing in many ways. If my suffering is snuffed out (and I hope it will be) I must not forget the benefit it has brought me, the empathy I have for others who are suffering and the kindness from others, like you, who take the time to share.
I pray you find relief from your undiagnosed, chronic pain. Your helping others is appreciated- again, Thank You!