There's a whole list of things you could do to help yourself, but one thing I would look into is doing "The Mccombs Plan" ( He's the guy who hosts the "Ask the Candida Expert" forum here on CZ and he has a different take on how to get rid of the candida problem. Yes, there are supplements you need to buy and no, it doesn't cure you overnight, but it appears to be a pretty solid plan that could actually cure you long term as opposed to simply managing your symptoms with the overly strict diet you're about to embark upon. (Been there, done that!)
I see no reason you couldn't follow his plan and start a series of cleanses at the same time -- you start with a bowel/colon cleanse (you can usually do a parasite cleanse at the same time), move on to a kidney/bladder cleanse and then do a Liver Flush (you really need to do a parasite cleanse before you do a Liver Flush -- otherwise, not only will the Liver Flush not be as effective, but you may end up feeling worse during the flush).