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Re: Can I get a list?

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Re: Can I get a list?

Garlic can help long term, but short term it sometimes increases symptoms because it causes die off -- both of candida and parasites. I mention both because if you have one, you often have the other and IMHO, you need to treat for both.

The McCombs Plan does include fruit and brown rice (eventually you're able to add back in all types of foods -- you just wait until your body's healed enough to handle it), but if you're taking his anti-fungal supplement, it will help prevent problems from those items. I only started on his plan a couple of weeks ago so I don't know for sure whether it will cure me of my candida problem, but I did notice this recently: I've been getting regular colonics the past few weeks since I discovered candida was a primary issue for me. During each session, I've been getting out lots of yeast but also large strips of mucosal lining with embedded fungus. I'm sure the fact that I was taking a lot of herbal anti-fungals was increasing the amount of fungus I got rid of.

This past session a few days ago, I got out a lot of yeast again, but virtually no fungus, which seems to indicate to me the plan is doing what it promises to do. See, his anti-fungal doesn't just kill fungus, it's supposed to convert the fungal form of candida back into regular yeast so the body can sweet it out like it normally does. He also has a supplement that boosts your immune system to help you fight the candida and heal yourself otherwise.

I've done some garlic enemas and have seen an increase in yeast coming out, but I'm careful not to use garlic in an enema too often because it can damage the lining of the bowel if used too often (at least that's what I've been lead to believe.)

Anyway -- not trying to sell you anything, it's just that I've been taking standard anti-fungals for a couple of months now and went to the super-strict traditional candida diet about a month ago and could only stick to it a couple of weeks. I knew I'd never be able to live on only meat and veggies for months at a time and frankly, I wasn't sure that plan was all that effective given how many people on here have tried it and yet still battle candida. So I started reading Dr. Mccombs' forum and read about his plan on his web site and he made a lot of sense. Also, while it's still hard, I thought I would be able to live with his diet a little more easily since it includes fruit.

Anyway -- good luck with whatever plan you try.


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