Re: Gallstones and kidney stones
In the findings in your report it says The uterus and ovaries appear grossly unremarkable.
Isn't that like saying, Extremely Unremarkable? or Very unremarkable? How can something be grossly unremarkable? Sorry that just made me laugh.
Well at least you don't have any trolls in there! It sounds like you are already doing some good stuff to clean out your GB. The bitters make the GB contract right? And the lecithin should thin the bile and the epsome salts are magnesium which will help things to relax and not spasm.
Fear is another story. That in and of itself is it's own disease. It can totally take over a person's life. I believe in combating it with both supplements/nutrition and by controlling your thoughts. To me it seems like lecithin actually helps me feel mellow and unconcerned about trivial matters. Also the B vitamins seem great with this, and magnesium too. Some herbs too, like Schisandra and Ashwagandha help. (along with the B vitamins)
And I now recognize when a thought comes into my mind that has no business being there. If it is a worry thought, and it's about something that is out of my control, I just "kick it out", "throw it in my mental trash can" and I say to myself "nonsense! There is nothing I can do about such and such and so I am going to think about something pleasant now like a mountain stream surrounded by wildlife." This works well in falling asleep too. And I find the more I practice it, the better I get at it.
If there is something that I can do about a situation then I try and figure out the best thing I can do, follow through and get it done and then put it behind me, but most of the worries, remarkably tend to be about things that are beyond my control.
I'd like to think that fear has taken a back seat in my life and has very little to do with my decision making anymore.
There is something else I should add, when I was really sick and the doctor thought it was my gallbladder, one of the worst symtoms that seemed to have come from it was anxiety. I would almost swear it was as tangible as the GB pain. It must be because all the hormones get out of balance. I think often the pancrease gets off balance too and it can really make a person miserable. I remember having problems with feeling weak & shaky, I had a fever for a couple of months...I frequently felt like I was going to faint and I had anxiety for several months. If I knew then, what I know now, I probably could have helped myself a lot more. I would have recognized the anxiety for what it was, and the other symptoms too. I remember it being a very fearful time for me, mostly because I was afraid of "having to get surgery" and who knows how I would be afterwards!
Well Marci, that was when my youngest son was in second grade and he is going into the middle school now so it was 5 years ago, and I've still got my Gallbladder. In fact I feel much healthier now than I did back then. Take heart, my dear, there is always hope.