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Re: I need your help and support because I'm struggling
chrisb1 Views: 1,222
Published: 14 y
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Re: I need your help and support because I'm struggling

You definitely need support in accomplishing your goals in water-fasting and I am sure you will receive as much of that as you need here.

It was Shelton I believe who said the the fast is in vain unless living habits therafter are corrected, so after your fast of 26 days last year (well done) living from junk food hasn't done you any favours.

Running your own business and all the anxiety and stress that goes along with that, coupled with working long hours, are not the most favorable conditions in which to undergo a fast, and could even be counterproductive I'm sorry to say.
Still, if that is the only option available to you then we have to make the best with what we have.

Motivation, or the lack of it, can always be a problem for many in beginning and maintaining a fast; Shelton used to advise taking time off work and staying at a fasting retreat, where the encouragement of other fasters is usually sufficient to stay the distance, but in many cases this is not practical or sometimes affordable in todays helter-skelter rat-race World.
If you could just take one or two consecutive days off work then that could be a good starting point and where the forum members here will offer you support throughout. Posting everyday and reporting in would also help.

Fasting literature helped me alot and especially Paul Braggs "The Miracle of Fasting" where he is an extremely good motivational writer; it was this one book that kept me going throughout both of my 25 day and 30 day water-only fasts with little to no support from elsewhere.

Your frame of mind is also crucial here, which should be free from anxiety and "hurriedness"............lie down in a quiet room in solitude: relax, and do some deep slow rhythimic breathing, and consciously meditate on your goals for 15 to 20 minutes. This could make ALL the difference.



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