No, I don't have Kurt's email. But go to Angela Stark's website (My Private Audio Talkshoe host), her email is somewhere there & email her about it.
I resonate with Paul Craig Roberts statement - "As long as there are wars, there will be an Emperor in the White House.
The solution to this will have to come in the form of millions upon millions of people coming onto the streets to stop this government from continuing to wage wars for profit, similar to the way illegal aliens flooded the streets over immigration laws, but on a much larger scale.
Many individuals will not be able to discard their programming of U.S. history that they have been fed through the Public School System.
Living within a collective, what is determined to matter, what is 'believed' to be true, is determined by the collective mind (the greatest numbers of individuals that accept a certain idea or ideology). That which is the accepted ideology of the collective mind is based on belief (not on what is factually true). It is based on borrowed information, on what is taught at an early age, on what is heard & seen on radio/tv. A collective belief system is more likely determined by social conditioning and how a well-oiled propaganda machine infuses an ideology into a population, which has become a primary focus of the education system, aka 'public-fool' system.
What the actual facts are, and what is objective Truth, matters very little to the society that one finds himself living. Just look at the Internal Revenue "Income Tax Hoax".
Another example of this is found in how the meaning of words are being twisted & turned completely around to mean something entirely opposite. Take the word 'patriot' for example, the so-called 'Patriot' Act has nothing to do with preserving inalienable rights. On the contrary, thanks to the propaganda machines like the ADL & SPLC, 'patriots' are becoming more & more viewed as homegrown terrorists. Take the recent "60 Minutes" Sovereign Citizens hit-piece. And Joe Biden's recent remark comparing the Tea Party to terrorists. We have long ago already entered the Orwellian nightmare scenario of 1984. A Nobel Peace Prize winner makes war, but calls it a humanitarian 'Kinetic Movement'.
How to morph the free American society of the early 1900s into a Soviet styled one. This was the agenda behind those that created the Tax-Exempt Foundations that were formed early in the 1900s, as their agenda was set early on to take control of the education System. If you haven't seen the Norman Dodd Inverview by G. Edward Griffin...
Also see (or read) the "Dumming Down of America" by Charlotte Iserbyt. Iserbyt worked with Norman Dodd, and was involved with Department of Education soon after the Federal Security Agency was upgraded to Departmental status (as part of the Department of Health Education & Welfare).