The Constitution was written by Lawyers working for the Crown Templer (Bank of England). It was just for them. You can not use the Constitution or Bill of Rights in any court room because it doesn't apply to you. It was written for Congress & the President of the Corporation (United States) .
Every thing is a Corporation. The Navy, Marines and IRS. Every thing. Look at the IRS. It is world wide here is a link to all the IRS offices world wide. IRS is a Private Collection Agency for the Federal Reserve or the Bank of England. It is not, I repeat, not part of US Govt.
So what are we going to do about it? Nothing!! Our Govt is working under "The War Powers Act" Thank you Mr Lincoln up until now Wilson was the worst President. Turns out there will be a lot of you fighting for that title.
"War Powers Act" here
So, the Office of the President (government) has used the War Powers Act to invoke a State of Emergency... in keeping this nation in a continuous state of emergency will continuously undermine the limitations of government as set within the Constitution. Presidents have continuously in proclaimed a state of emergency in order to keep the power in the executive branch. One of the first things Obama did was to proclaim a national state of emergency.
(Do you remember what it was for? It was because of the flu pandemic that never materialized - as very few people had actually died from that._
In other words, "as long as this country remains at war, there will be an emperor in the White House" - Paul Craig Roberts
No, I don't have Kurt's email. But go to Angela Stark's website (My Private Audio Talkshoe host), her email is somewhere there & email her about it.
I resonate with Paul Craig Roberts statement - "As long as there are wars, there will be an Emperor in the White House.
The solution to this will have to come in the form of millions upon millions of people coming onto the streets to stop this government from continuing to wage wars for profit, similar to the way illegal aliens flooded the streets over immigration laws, but on a much larger scale.
Many individuals will not be able to discard their programming of U.S. history that they have been fed through the Public School System.
Living within a collective, what is determined to matter, what is 'believed' to be true, is determined by the collective mind (the greatest numbers of individuals that accept a certain idea or ideology). That which is the accepted ideology of the collective mind is based on belief (not on what is factually true). It is based on borrowed information, on what is taught at an early age, on what is heard & seen on radio/tv. A collective belief system is more likely determined by social conditioning and how a well-oiled propaganda machine infuses an ideology into a population, which has become a primary focus of the education system, aka 'public-fool' system.
What the actual facts are, and what is objective Truth, matters very little to the society that one finds himself living. Just look at the Internal Revenue "Income Tax Hoax".
Another example of this is found in how the meaning of words are being twisted & turned completely around to mean something entirely opposite. Take the word 'patriot' for example, the so-called 'Patriot' Act has nothing to do with preserving inalienable rights. On the contrary, thanks to the propaganda machines like the ADL & SPLC, 'patriots' are becoming more & more viewed as homegrown terrorists. Take the recent "60 Minutes" Sovereign Citizens hit-piece. And Joe Biden's recent remark comparing the Tea Party to terrorists. We have long ago already entered the Orwellian nightmare scenario of 1984. A Nobel Peace Prize winner makes war, but calls it a humanitarian 'Kinetic Movement'.
How to morph the free American society of the early 1900s into a Soviet styled one. This was the agenda behind those that created the Tax-Exempt Foundations that were formed early in the 1900s, as their agenda was set early on to take control of the education System. If you haven't seen the Norman Dodd Inverview by G. Edward Griffin...
Also see (or read) the "Dumming Down of America" by Charlotte Iserbyt. Iserbyt worked with Norman Dodd, and was involved with Department of Education soon after the Federal Security Agency was upgraded to Departmental status (as part of the Department of Health Education & Welfare).
People seem to have forgotten that In January of 2010, Obama, by executive order, created a "Council of Governors". This council allows foreign and domestic military operations to be carried out without approval from congress. I dont understand why people are making a big deal about this "council of 13" that was created legally, when from the beginning there was an unconstitutional council created by executive order!
Under the War Powders Act, which we are still under, since the "War Between the States", The President is more or less a dictator. He can do what he wants along with Congress but he rules. Until the American people figure this out, nothing will be done. People will be broke & hungry.
The Informer
The Genesis of the Emergency / War Power Act
Specie—Gold or silver coins of the coinage of the United States. Belford v. Woodward, 158 Ill 122, 41 Ne 1097. Ballentine’s Law Dictionary Third Edition, 1969.
Enemy—The status of a person as an "enemy" for the purpose of the application of the Trading with the Enemy Act is determined with reference to domicile or residence the territory of the nation which is a
belligerent against the United States rather than according to nationality, 56 Am. Jur 1st War Section 83, Ballantines Law Dictionary Third Edition, 1969.
State—In Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary it defines State in 15 different ways. It is how it is defined by a particular group of people when they want it to be applied by statute. It is such a gross misrepresentation when the question is asked, "What is a State," that it is impossible to answer the question without knowing how the law makers have defined it. But the true meaning of the word State from its very origin means, "To Stand." Webster’s 1828 Dict. states; "n. L. status, from sto, to stand, to be fixed. State is fixedness or standing." State in one sense means government, while State in another sense mean people for tax purposes. It also says, "Estate; possession. Now obsolete."
Estate—n. L. status, from sto, to stand. The roots stb, std and stg, have nearly the same signification, to set, to fix 1. In a general sense, fixedness; a fixed condition; now generally written and pronounced state." Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary.
Again there are many meanings depending on how one wants to use the word as noted in the definition of State above.
There are a few people who have said that the Emergency and War Power Act written into the Constitution was used by Roosevelt during 1933 to create certain laws that made us the enemy. This statement is true to the extent that Roosevelt made us the "enemy" of the Federal Reserve System. However, we have to go back further in History to find when these powers (Emergency Power /War Power) were first and subsequently used.
.............the INFORMER