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Re: Undiagnosed upper right quadrant pain that might surprise you

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Grace2Marayger Views: 33,243
Published: 14 y
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Re: Undiagnosed upper right quadrant pain that might surprise you

Thank you, Hveragerthi, for your information about Aloe 200X and berberine sulfate. I had wondered about berberine sulfate since I was not familiar with it. Funny, ‘not’, that you mentioned, 'I might as well be taking Antibiotics ', as I began taking a round of Amoxicillin one week ago as a preventative against a possible Lyme infection. I was bitten by a deer tick on July 3rd. I got into a doctor 4 days later and she said it was too late to begin Antibiotics as insurance against possible Lyme. So I was told to just wait and see if I had a bull’s eye show up or if I had any unusual symptoms. I went back into that clinic 19 days later with extreme dizziness and had to see a different doctor who did some head tilting maneuvers on me to see if I had a possible crystal lodged in my ear / ear(s). I was given a homeopathic remedy called Bryonia and told to get Meclizine Hydrochloride (an OTC Motion Sickness medicine). I was told to call back in a few days if I was not better. Before I left that day I had also asked him for an H Pylori stool test kit as I have been told that it is more accurate than the blood tests. I’d had two prior negative H Pylori blood tests over the past year. This was like the perfect storm, dizzy and so worn down with consistent pain and all the things I have tried, I called back and asked him for an Antibiotic to try. It is hard to even write this. I know Antibiotics are not good and I am having a hard time adjusting to taking this Amoxicillin. They prescribed this for 21 days. I am taking a Jarrow Formulas (Non-Dairy) Saccharomyces Bouladll + MOS Probiotic that is supposed to be a good probiotic to take while on antibiotics and I am eating some yogurt milk. From early on I had wondered if this pain was related to an infection. The ulcer theory came because Prilosec OTC immediately gave me relief from the pain when it was at its worst. While working on this Upper Right Quadrant pain I have had many theories and thoughts, tried multiple doctors and medical tests but since I had pushed way past my lifetime medical procedure quota some time ago, I did not agree to an upper GI endoscopy. Any further information you can see would be appreciated.


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