Re: MMS Caution
Who said anything about hiding something from the mainstream so nobody could see it? I simply asked if there was any proof that
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement killed the woman as claimed in the video. There is none. The original poster is attempting to discredit mms. Not only has he never used it himself, on his website he wont even identify himself using some black helicopter theory that someone is out to get him. Jim Humble has his name all over
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , and the anti-mms scientist debunk poster wont even identify himself. That in itself speaks volumes.
Quote from debunk website:
"As you may have noticed, I have remained anonymous on this site. This is purely because I suspect more then a few people make a substantial amount of money from this scam. I am uncertain as to the lengths people like Jim Humble would go to keep their lucrative operation running."
End Quote
And if your claim to back any anti-mms agenda on your behalf is that I didn't really have hypertension or asthma then you are nothing more than a common liar and are grasping for anything to be negative. And the truth not top on your priority.