Thank you so much for that,I really do appreciate it!Clears up a lot of questions I had,though I do know that everyone reacts differently to things its nice to get the feedback :)
I noticed on another thread that you mentioned you have some copper issues,me too.I was diagnosed with biounavailable copper by a doc who has a side interest in orthomolecular medicine.Has the preg helped your copper issues at all?Heres my logic,not exactly scientific I know but just my own personal theory on what has caused all this for me.YEARS of chronic social anxiety/agoraphobia which led to excessive adrenaline output which has worn my adrenal glands down over time.The adrenal glands signal to the liver to produce ceruloplasmin which binds to copper and transports it out of the body.How in the hell is this system meant to work if the adrenals are underfunctioning!I believe that this is what caused my copper issue.Now im thinking (or should I say hoping)that if preg can help my adrenals to recover my copper problem *should* resolve by itself.I would be interested to hear your views on this,also if your copper levels have improved while on preg?I think *in theory* it should,fingers crossed :)