Yes I would like to have my pregnenolone levels tested,I am waiting on an appointment with an endocrinologist.But from what I have read the test isnt very accurate at all,worth a shot though.
I know what you mean about targeting the underlying subconscious issues but you know what Ive been trying to do that for years through counselling.What I discovered is that I have asolutely no idea where this social anxiety issue came from.I have also read,if a pregnenolone deficiency is indeed the true cause,that raising this hormone *alone* can eradicate such irrational thinking and that without doing this all the self help techniques in the world wont help,just something I have read.So I am going to try and tackle the deficiency first and then go from there.
It is so good to hear that you responded so favourably to pregnenolone,it gives me great hope!Can you elaborate a little on your experience with it so far,I would be very grateful :)