feel this veggie juice isn't doing it...
I'm drinking about a gallon a day now. about 7 cucumbers, a bag of carrots(slightly less than a
quart juiced). 4 green apples. an the rest celery...lots of celery. along with 6 tbspn superfood.
I feel my anxiety an stuff go away when i drink it, but if i don't drink it for a day or two or more. I get really really bad. I crave the sugar.
To me i feel i'm feeding the parasites/candida an it's producing alcohol messing with my benzo withdrawal so when i dont drink as much juice i go into benzo withdrawal.
My arms have been falling asleep alot during sleep, i'm very tired, not feeling well. nerves in my body get a numb pain an it's hard to feel that limb.
lentils, brown rice, onions, peppers, almond/cashew butter, avocados,
Sea Salt (himalayan), cayenne, virgin coconut oil, an the juice. thats pretty much my diet.
last night i had a wheat bread sandwhich, i felt like i had energy for once. but it kept me up late an today i was OUT OF IT mentally, i couldnt comprehend what i was doing at work it sucked.