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Iodine Supplementation to Recover from Cipro
ExDubber Views: 6,854
Published: 14 y

Iodine Supplementation to Recover from Cipro

Hello all, I'm just starting to read into a lot of this Iodine supplementation but am finding difficulty with compiling a list of supplements and dosages of those supplements that are needed to accompany Iodine supplementation.

All of my problems started with what my urologist believed was epididymitis. He prescribed me with a 15-day regimen of Cipro and Naproxen...I made it in about 6 days before I had a nasty reaction, which included completely numb left leg, weakness of achilles tendon, painful joints, random shooting pains, difficulties with focusing my vision, dizziness, nausea, heart racing...all reactions that I assume were caused by the Cipro. And as more and more blood tests and visits to the doctor are resulting very little in a diagnosis and with doctors telling my that my levels are all good, I'm assuming that fluoride toxicity is causing most of these lingering problems. I was previously very healthy, very health conscious as far as foods and drinks, exercised 5 out of the 7 days of the week and supplemented with a number of vitamins, minerals, etc.

I'm now looking into Iodine as a potential solution to my problem. I have purchased 2% Lugol's solution, Calcium Orotate (85 mg) and Magnesium Citrate (225 mg). I did try one drop of the Lugol's, two nights in a row, right before bed. After the waking up the morning after the second dose, I had the metallic taste in my mouth, swollen lymph nodes, heavy feet...all detox symptoms? I stopped it because I felt that I did not know enough yet to move forward.

So, basically I need your help in identifying what supplements you suggest I take AND suggested doses (I'm a 21 year old male) so that the displaced toxic metals get flushed out of my body. I know I need the ones above (calcium and magnesium), I also need Tri-Boron. I do not know doses though. I have also read that Cipro can deplete your body's store of glutathione, has anyone heard about this and needed supplementation to recover from fluoride toxcitiy, used in conjunction with iodine? Any help is appreciated, thank you.


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