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Thrush on tongue and diflucan.
ajhawk80 Views: 11,959
Published: 14 y

Thrush on tongue and diflucan.

Last month I had an awful virus of some sort, that was followed by an allergic reaction to bactrim (for minor uti), while this was going on my doc. decided to treat me for h. pylori and I had to take a ton of tetracycline and flagyl. This led into me getting a horrible thrush infection. I had never had thrush before so I ignored the white tongue for too long. The inflammation got so bad that my jaw actually locked for awhile. I also seemed to get eye issues when the thrush started. I noticed floaters and seemed to have gotten dry eye syndrome. I've been to two eye doctors who say my eyes look really healthy. The dry eye is so bad that sometimes my vision is blurred. I've been on diflucan for the thrush for about 14 days now. My tongue has cleared up toward the tip but I'm concerned that the back is still covered after being on diflucan all this time. I also used nyastatin rinse. When the infection was at its worst in the beginning I was running a fever and that is now gone. Anyone ever have any issue with diflucan causing dizziness after a period of time? Im experiencing some of that. Any insight will be much appreciated.


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