Re: 3.5 days into Dry/Water-only Cascade Fast
When you say you need a long time to recover from dry fasting, how do you mean this exactly, that you are weak for several days or longer afterwards?
I find dry fasting really takes it out of me. Its almost 2 weeks since my last dry fast and I only feel like I'm recovering today because I went out for a long bike ride. Although i did go dry till 3pm last Sunday so that would'nt have helped.
After dry fasting I do feel really bad for a while and have to do some decent exercise like cycling to recover and come out of the depressed state of mind. The state of mind is really horrible sometimes.
From now on I will probably only dry fast one weekend a month, although if it wasn't for the recovery period I'd do it every weekend.
My body also needs that time to recover too and return to normal, longer than just water fasting.
That is the down side but yes my sciatic nerve problem is as good as completely healed now and it was a problem for 2.5 years, so that is really good news, a few more dry fasts and it will be strong again. I realise now that the problem was caused by sloching in my chair at work and putting too much pressure on my buttock, thank god I reversed it, dry fasting is the only thing in the world that could heal that I think!!!