Why am I feeling worse?
I have itchy, red bumps on my arms, a headache, my muscles are sore and tense, my legs are jumping like restless so I took some cal/mag.
I drank a small amount, felt a bit out of it, then clear-headed but now, still burping, sore and tensed up.
Reading how people drink glasses of this a day, why would it make me feel this way?
I also took a Primal Defense earlier. Does ozone water deplete minerals and flora?
Update: I feel like crap. It is the next morning and I really sore and still burping when I drink regular water. Muscles are tense too. My stomach feels like it has a lot of air and I have a sour taste in my mouth and it hurts by your ear, like when you eat sour candy.
Please tell me what I can do or if I shouldn't try this again. I won't until you tell me.
Thank you!