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Drank ozone water today for first time, whoa
SwedeOne Views: 3,690
Published: 14 y

Drank ozone water today for first time, whoa

Hi James!

I drank about 4 oz of cold ozone water today from a cold corona unit. I set the machine on 8, 10 being the highest and let it ozonate for about 5-6 minutes.

The sheet for the setting says:

LPM of 02:

Setting 8: 1/16: 66.6

About two minutes later, I was light-headed and my left ear started ringing with a bit of pain still.

That was almost an hour ago and now I just feel a bit tired and kind of out of it.

I know you said to drink the water throughout the day but what about the light-headed feeling and, I had to get to the bathroom about ten minutes later as well.

I'm trying to get the dioxins out and have adrenal fatigue, is there a certain amount I should be drinking? What setting should I put it on and for how long?

I have been burping more and can taste the ozone, is that okay? And, really thirsty and my eyes are dry? It is almost midnight and I am still burping, feel spacey, have a slight headache and feel like I have acid reflux which I don't normally have. Why would it do these things?

I want this to work, did it mess with the flora or something?

Hope you're feeling better and thank you!




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