On the forcing your body thing to extract etc. You can't extract something that isn't there and there is no oil in vegs. You body needs oil to produce bile and when there is little to no bile to clean and flush your gall bladder stone formations can start thus it's fairly common knowledge for folks that fast to do a liver flush post fast.This is more crucial the longer one fasts so consider either adding a couple tbsp of hemp oil daily or flushing your liver post fast. The MSM which is just organic sulfur just made sense to me after all the reading I've been doing lately. Not a heck of lot of veggies that contain substantial amounts of sulfur. I've never added anything before but all my current research on juice feasting convinced me to add the hemp oil and MSM.
Doing larger amounts also depends on what you are juicing Carrot makes a relatively heavy juice and a good amount of sugar. The base of my juices are made with cucumber and celery which keeps things fairly diluted and light.
Pretty cool stuff on the WW canoeing huh? Most folks are not aware that water that radical can be canoed. I'm sure a good bit of the radical stuff was class V or higher. I'm not quite that level. Most of the radical "creeking" you prolly saw the boats where in the 8-9 ft range. My boat is a white water solo tripper in the 14'8" range. Meant to carry gear and vittles on multi day trips in class III with and occasional IV here and there. Canoes can be rolled but it takes beaucoup skills.
If you really develop an interest in WW canoeing then you really need to find a local canoe club. Most offer lessons.WW canoeing is not something you just go and do. First it wouldn't be much fun because you be falling out of the boat constantly and running into all kindsa things and second it can get right down dangerous. American WhiteWater Assoc has a website where you can find out about clubs in your area.