Day 21 of my juice feast and I'm feeling amazing. I've been Googling "juice feasting" and been reading lots. One thing I found in common with the majority of juicer feasters is the addition of MSM which is an organic sulfur. It helps our bodies absorb more nutrients, it's an anti inflammatory and all kindsa other cool benefits. You can read all about it at this link
. I bought some last Friday and I've been doing 2 tsp per day. The recommended routine is to mix it in a qt of water with the juice of one half a lemon and drink it 1st thing in the morning. I've been doing one tsp each, morning and afternoon. The other recommended supplement is hemp oil which contain the ratio of Omega 6 & 9 same as the human body. Been doing 2 tblsp per day.
This weekend I had some kinda cathartic crossover. I've hit some kinda sweet spot in my juice feast where I'm feeling very mellow and energetic. Also a feeling of a brighter future.The last few years have been really stressful for me and my health has suffered a good bit. Hope this stays with me through the remaining 71 days of this juice feast.