Day 21 of my juice feast and I'm feeling amazing. I've been Googling "juice feasting" and been reading lots. One thing I found in common with the majority of juicer feasters is the addition of MSM which is an organic sulfur. It helps our bodies absorb more nutrients, it's an anti inflammatory and all kindsa other cool benefits. You can read all about it at this link
. I bought some last Friday and I've been doing 2 tsp per day. The recommended routine is to mix it in a qt of water with the juice of one half a lemon and drink it 1st thing in the morning. I've been doing one tsp each, morning and afternoon. The other recommended supplement is hemp oil which contain the ratio of Omega 6 & 9 same as the human body. Been doing 2 tblsp per day.
This weekend I had some kinda cathartic crossover. I've hit some kinda sweet spot in my juice feast where I'm feeling very mellow and energetic. Also a feeling of a brighter future.The last few years have been really stressful for me and my health has suffered a good bit. Hope this stays with me through the remaining 71 days of this juice feast.
How much juice are yu drinking every day? Are you using supplements at all?
The mudder things looks like it can be both a challenge and fun but in either case one would hafta be in decent shape and to be on the wining side prolly train a good bit. I am white water canoeist and if the weather is good and we have good water levels I hope to spend at least 4 days canoe tripping on one of the prettiest and most secluded whitewater rivers in No Ga about a month after I finish my 90 days.
On the forcing your body thing to extract etc. You can't extract something that isn't there and there is no oil in vegs. You body needs oil to produce bile and when there is little to no bile to clean and flush your gall bladder stone formations can start thus it's fairly common knowledge for folks that fast to do a liver flush post fast.This is more crucial the longer one fasts so consider either adding a couple tbsp of hemp oil daily or flushing your liver post fast. The MSM which is just organic sulfur just made sense to me after all the reading I've been doing lately. Not a heck of lot of veggies that contain substantial amounts of sulfur. I've never added anything before but all my current research on juice feasting convinced me to add the hemp oil and MSM.
Doing larger amounts also depends on what you are juicing Carrot makes a relatively heavy juice and a good amount of sugar. The base of my juices are made with cucumber and celery which keeps things fairly diluted and light.
Pretty cool stuff on the WW canoeing huh? Most folks are not aware that water that radical can be canoed. I'm sure a good bit of the radical stuff was class V or higher. I'm not quite that level. Most of the radical "creeking" you prolly saw the boats where in the 8-9 ft range. My boat is a white water solo tripper in the 14'8" range. Meant to carry gear and vittles on multi day trips in class III with and occasional IV here and there. Canoes can be rolled but it takes beaucoup skills.
If you really develop an interest in WW canoeing then you really need to find a local canoe club. Most offer lessons.WW canoeing is not something you just go and do. First it wouldn't be much fun because you be falling out of the boat constantly and running into all kindsa things and second it can get right down dangerous. American WhiteWater Assoc has a website where you can find out about clubs in your area.
AH geez here we go with another PSYCHO clown with a stick up their butt ;+D
Betrayal and indoctrination. Good one! At least you started your psycho clown act with some humor ;+D The MC is very good at what it does and it served me quite well and changed my health and life. It is what it is and it works in a very simple, elegant and specific way the end. I have done over a dozen 40 day MCs over the last 10 years and what I'm doing now is no different than doing any other the other cleansing protocols like a liver flush, colon cleansing etc. and if I find it very beneficial and share it with others it is a lofty purpose indeed. You just have some stick up your butt and and some PSYCHO agenda and are trying to twist things so suit you psychotic clown purposes. Many clowns are silent. I suggest you consider that approach............;+D
"plenty of fats in raw foods to stimulate bile flow if your system is clean. nuts, avocados, seeds, etc."
State the plain obvious why dontcha You're bucking for a scholarship in clown school aintcha. I advice against the "obvious" approach as the dean of clown school will see right through it and oopsies there goes that scholarship.............;+D The good news is there is not much book learnin' in clown college cause you are failing miserably in reading and comprehension.......knudge knudge wink, wink ;+D In your psycho clown fit you are taking it out of context since we are taking about juice feasting in this thread where none of these things are juiceable!!!!! Then there is the issue of EFAs Omega 3 & 6 which is one of the most common things that is not available in large enough quantities in a raw food diet and some kinda veg based oil usually Hemp or Flax Oil is always recommended as a supplement by all the raw food gurus.
how could someone say that there aren't any vegetables with sulfur??
Oh oh ooh now you really got to enter clown school.........;+D Again more crap not only taking things out of context but misquoting to suit your psycho clown RANT. I said "not enough sulfur in substantial amounts"!!!! Not only are we taking about a JUICE FEAST!!!! but in addition in the thread I explained that I only added the MSM from my research SPECIFIC to juice feasting and not ANYTHING to do with the crap you are inferring/projecting about some past mistake BULL$HIT that you are interjecting here to suit your psycho clown agenda You are just pulling stuff out of you A$$ (hey that can be your MO in clown school) right and left and just fabricating crap out of your deluded imagination. It's all right here in print!!! Take you own misplaced advice bout being "normal" and calm" neither state of which you >obvoiusly< DO NOT posses when you feel the need to outright lie and pursue some psycho clown agenda totally based on conjecture and fabrication. Not based on reality and easily verified by what I have actually written.
Whatever the cause of my "euphoria" is completely irrelevant. In many discussions I have talked about the stress and backsliding I have gone through in the last few years and this is my way back to rebuilding my health and wellbeing. If SHARING this SENSE OF WELL BEING entices anyone to try juice feasting then I consider that a noble cause in contrast to your psychotic rant ,lies and fabrications to try to discredit by projecting your own misery and demons with misquotes, outright fabrications and lies which sez waaaaayyy more about >>>>YOU<<<<<.
Have a nice day
PS lemme know if you need a letter of reference to Seggfej Clown College.......................;+D