Re: The Healing Codes
No, The Healing Codes are actually not at at all like EFT. EFT works on the meridian/chakra system. The Healing Codes clears the negative charge of cellular memories. Not to say that there isn't overlap, there may be. But there is no tapping, and it uses completely different "healing centers" than the points with EFT.
Clients who have tried "everytihng" tell me that the Healing Codes work better than anything they've tried. People who have tested various modalities, such as scientist Bill Boshears and Dr Chrsitoperh Hegaty, who was a writer for Alternative Medicine Magazine and others, say that the Healing Codes are "the easiest and most effective technique they ahve ever found." (You can read their actual words on the book jacket or here.)
I think The Healing Codes and EFT are complementary. Why not heal both "systems"? However, the results of The Healing Codes seems more permanent. In fact, when Dr. Loyd tested it with Heart Rate Variability tests (which test for stress in the autonomic nervouse system), the initial results between things like EFT and The Healing Codes were very similar. However, 24-48 hours later, 70-80+% of the Healing Codes subjects remained in balance, whereas only aroiund 20% were still in balance.
Also, my experience with The Healing Codes is once a memory is healed, it's healed for good. Some core memories have many aspects to them (fear, anger, etc.), and each aspect may need to be healed, but once a memory is finally healed, it's healed for good--and you reap the manifectation of whatever was "attached" to that memory.