take a few years off of soft drinks. by then you wont want them. i have maybe three a year now, if there is nothing else available or i want a certain experience(eg: root beer float).
no need to drive yourself nuts. i use the 90% rule. that way if i "backslide"(when i got started at this) i am still a success. it is what you do every day that determines your health, not an occasional thing. and if you ingest junk with good food, it all becomes junk. might as well take the day and eat all the junk you think you want then do better the next day.
here is a practical application. i determine to quit soda pop. in one day, i either drink soda or not. if i only drink soda once out of ten days then i am still making a difference because i am NOT drinking soda 90% of the time. this, even if a drink a whole 12 pack in that one day. but if i drink only half a can a day for two days in a row - fail. its what you do every day that counts.