Iodine, body PH
I am reading a lot more than I wished for to determine how
Iodine balances body ph.
Dr. Brownstein, writes,
Iodine is alkaline and the body uses
Iodine to recover from an acid state, however the iodine is no longer useful for the thyroid gland, as the body must be perfectly balanced in ph prior to the thyroid using iodine.
If we take too much iodine, it flushes in our urine.
That tells me, the first doses of iodine, are used to alkaline the body. Sodas are the most acidic problem.
I was not able to discern what becomes of the now acidic iodine. Nor could I discern if the remainder of the body can use iodine if the body ph is not balanced.
So it would seem the first few doses, or more are primarily used to balance ph, then good things begin to happen.
I was a bit surprised to learn iodine has a great impact on our emotions, ie like a feeling of well being.
Dr. Brownstein tested over 4000 patients, and ninety percent were iodine deficient. He uses iodine loading, urine samples, but that test is not very effective, if we have an acidic body, as a major portion may be flushed out if made acidic.
Just what I learned.
david lubbock tx.