Re: one more thing- this might be key~
Awesome info, thanks!
I've been taking a ton of probiotics and I think it's helping, but it sounds like I need to find a way to use them vaginally. One thing I am wondering about is the types of bacteria and the balance of them that would naturally occur in the body. I was reading a previous article you posted somewhere in this thread (the really long one with all the excellent info on probiotics and the little cartoon bacteria) and it stated that there are 400 different types of bacteria in the gut. Most probiotic formulas seem to contain 5-10 strains of bacteria. I wonder if that means that there are many, many strains that are wiped out by
Antibiotics , etc. that are not being repopulated with probiotics at all. It makes me think that the author's recommendation of some kind of bacteria culture transplant would be the way to go, since you really would need the right bacteria in the right balance, I would think. My problem may be just a matter of balance; having not enough of certain bacteria, while others (candid and e-coli) are overgrown...
There is definitely a connection between candida, yeast infections and uti's. During the years that I took
Antibiotics for uti's, I would also get yeast infections which I would try to treat with anti-fungals, which would further irritate the urethra, leading to more uti's and then more
Antibiotics , which led to more yeast infections, and so on...You can see why I finally gave up on antibiotics!
The problem now though is that I am left with ongoing irritation. I will read all the links you sent more closely now and see what I can learn. I think you are really on to something with the whole bacteria balance issue!
RB :)