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Re: UNY Please answer quick question about ordering
niteblume Views: 1,313
Published: 14 y
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Re: UNY Please answer quick question about ordering

Thanks Uny for your help. I only did the garlic oil and b&b tincture for three days this time. I have done it for several months in the past and I did always do the ACV and water cleaning. I did know to squirt it up, thank goodness.

I will try my best to not take an antibiotic. I would hate to take it worse than anyone b/c I already have bad candidiasis. I have some organic garlic left over from two months ago that I will take today if it is still good(in frig). I will get naked on the ground today. You realize that not everyone can do that, I'm sure. I get in a spot that has only cows and horses on one side(I hope) and I surround myself on the other sides with beach chairs.

My brother smokes but I'm so allergic to smoke I don't know that it would be worth it.

Hot/cold therapy seemed to help a few nights ago. I am also planning to try to put a clay poultice around my ear. I can't think of anything that would hurt. It will be hard to get it taped on.

Thanks for sending my order today. I have gotten a package from you once on a saturday, so maybe I will this time.

My pain hasn't been steady but I took two advils and that may have helped. I don't hardly ever take anything for pain.

Thank you.



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