Re: UNY Please answer quick question about ordering
I know you 'have to do' what you have to do (I know how bad the pain from an ear infection can be)...but I don't know of any
Antibiotic that's even close to as effective as the echinacea and raw garlic duo.
Also, when you've mentioned the B&B/garlic oil protocol, I see you mentioning ear wax, which triggers me to make sure you're using the h20/acv earwash at least every 7 days.
You mix equal parts (body temp) water & acv and fill a small bulb syringe. Let's say you're going to rinse your right ear...this is the important part --->>> for rinsing your right ear, tilt your head to the right so that the right ear is facing the floor, then insert the end of the small bulb syringe into the ear canal and *gently* squeeze in the solution (and let it run out via gravity). Use the contents of the small bulb syringe (so you may have to do several 'squeezes'). Then repeat on the left ear.
We do it this way (with the ear we're irrigating facing the floor) so that we don't 'push' too much solution into the ear canal; so that the solution doesn't further imbed the wax; and so that the fluid doesn't go in so deeply that it stays in.
Also, another old-timers relief for ear pain/ache is to have someone blow warm smoke in your ear. So if you know anyone that smokes, be sure to give that a try. And of course, if you have any ear candles around, go ahead and use them.
Your post about electro-sensitivity was very compelling (and likely "spot on"). So please be sure you actually *have* an ear infection before subjecting your body to
Antibiotics , okay? Also, PLEASE do whatever you can (as much as you can) in the way of barefooting, earthing & grounding. If there's any way you can get outside and get your barefeet (any skin) on the ground, I'd be doing it (and a LOT of it). Even leaning on a tree with just your hands touching it is beneficial. (Now is definitely the time for a good nekkid sunbath - but instead of doing it on furniture, do it on the ground). Earthing *removes* inflammation and reduces pain. YAY!
P.S. Your order will be on it's way today (Thursday)