About every three days, or even less if I think the last flush has been a dud for stone release or no improvement in symptoms. I use the 4 0z of olive oil all the time. I am wary of maybe stressing the liver and gallbladder but as of yet there has been no evidence of this happening. Whether I feel bad or good is all dependant on the stones and not on malfunction gallbladder from over-flushing- so far anyway.
If I did the flushes every two or three weeks I would literally be doing them for a decade as I've been doing this rigorous routine for a over a year and am still getting significant amounts of stones. If I did the same amount of flushes over two week intervals it would be work out around three years or something. Too long for me.
If I wasn't treating symptoms I would stick to two week intervals as there would be little point in taking risks. But I'm feeling impatient and gung ho. I'm the guinea pig for the reckless flusher ;^)