hi! RedRoses90 i actually didnt go to the dentist i went to the emergency room where they put my tooth back in for me ...i didnt tell the doctor i was fasting so i have no idea if the fast was the reason why my tooth fell out but while he was trying to put my tooth back in he said the gum area was spungy like my tooth fell out days ago or something and the area healed back up so he had to scrape the area with a little spatuala so the blood could remember to flow their and as soon as he did that the tooth went back in.....
before my fast my teeth were ok but now there perfect there pearly white like i got them whitened or something and there extremly strong
awwww dont feel that way i think fasting is extremly healthy and teeth falling out is a rearity that happens once in a blue moon i just think that because i wasnt using my teeth for so long they were kinda in rest mode and the fact that i wasnt brushing them every day put the icing on the cake ...so just like the doctor said there was lack of blood supply to that area because i wasnt using it just like when you sleep on one side for to long and you loose feeling in that side i think thats what happened (i hope im explaining this right )will i ever fast again?? of course i've gotten such amazing resluts from fasting how can i not fast again!