This is a very traumatic happening, for a person--and even more so for a female. I know something of the gut-wrenching feeling--having swallowed a piece of a tooth. What will really help you is Rescue Remedy. This is to deal with the deep shock and loss... To address the emotional field, which has been severely upset.
you will find it at a health food store--or possibly even in a drug store--call first. It is a "Bach Flower" remedy--that everyone should have around.
best, C
Your story IS quite unusual!
Early on I was going to suggest that you might keep the tooth in milk--if it was still a *good, healthy tooth*...a viable one. This was only in response to something I read long ago, about teeth being knocked out, and that they could actually be put back in if kept in milk. It always sounded odd to me, but certainly no more odd that going to the ER and getting the tooth 'put back in'. That just blows me away.
(firstly, front teeth are the last to go, unless they are baby teeth,or 'knocked out'. If they fall out, then chances are they are rotten.
If it was possible to do there, (the ER) that suggests it was possible to do at home. But really, the whole thing is rather bizarre, you must admit. I can see a water fast possibly loosening teeth that already might be less than perfect, and I can even see a tooth falling out--if it's a bad tooth--but one falling out, being pearly white, (suggesting healthy) and then being put back in later...hmmm.
Definitely one for the 'seldom and rare' files. :-)
hope you are well now.