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Re: I give up
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Re: I give up

OK. And what u suggest us to do in ur case?? Send u a magic pill which will cure in an instant, over night?.. U were damaging ur health over the years and now u are looking for a quick solution? I am sorry to dissapoint u, but there is no the one.

If u want to give up then do. Actually no one can help u here even by telling u to 'be strong', 'we are with u and will be thinking about u'. It is only u, who can heal urself. It takes time - yes, but success will also come at the end! There is one famous saying: if u Think u can do it - u CAN, if u Think it is impossible for u - u are right.

I also suffer from candida but I believe I CURE MYSELF. And nobody can help me but me.

Eat a lot of raw food and greens. First substitute all ur not natural sugars with healthy fruits (eat them separately from the main meals), and then gradually cut fruits down from ur day intakes. Try to reduce potatoes and other charbo for the time being (at least for 2-4 weeks). Add cayenne, garlic, onion, raw coconut oil to ur meals. Raw coconut old is recommended 3 table spoon a day (great stuff for ur issue). Also expect a die off effect for the time being (that is why it is very advisable to eat a lot of raw salads and greens during those times coz it helps to absorb toxins and get them out of ur body).

..And do not pity urself! My life is ended.. Oh plzzzzzzzz.. nothing is about to end but about to start over. Everything in UR OWN hands and no one can do it for u.



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