Re: Safe Cleanses for Gastroparesis?
Since my gastroparesis Dx, I've done a lot of reading on causes and the most commonly identified causes (like diabetes and surgical complications) don't apply. I'm still trying to figure out my cause, but so far I believe it to be related to one (or more) of my other identified health issues. This includes likely
parasite and/or fungal infection.
In my case, the evidence so far points to the underlying issue likely being neuropathy, rather than myopathy. I'm hoping this is caused by infection-related toxins impacting the function of the vagus nerve, and maybe could be reversed if the infection is identified and dealt with. My GI Dr gave me a prescription for Erythromycin, and it helped for a month or so and then the effect wore off. I have some domperidone on order now, but I don't know if it will help. I suppose if it got really bad I could consider a gastric pacemaker, but I'd almost rather be dead than have to resort to that level of intervention.
Your solution with ACV is interesting. I've never heard of that on, but I do find carbonated beverages sometimes helpful just to move things around a bit. As you're no doubt aware, having food just sitting in the stomach for hours is very frustrating.
So you take the ACV and baking soda after the meal?
Getting back to the issue of bowel cleanses, have you tried any? Do you have any suggestions for doing a cleanse while working within the limitations of gastroparesis?