Fasting in NOT a tool for weight loss. It is a a tool for "cleansing and healing". Obesity is a HEALTH issue!!! For those ignorqant and desperate dieters not seeing the bigger picture I'll reiterate it's about LIFESTYLE change and regular exercise and that absolutely includes "working out till you are blue in the face". That last statement is what will give the fastest most lasting results. Muscle burns fat!!!! Exercise will also bring the metabolism back which in a large majority of cases of overweight folks it's already slow to begin with. Without a lifestile diet change of nutrient dense foods fasting often becomes part of a "chronic dieting tool" that facilitates eating disorders akin to binge and purge.
I just finished watching the video and it's exactly what I keep repeating about "lifestyle change" which definitely includes exercise and if you want to see the fastest results in attitude , health and yes weight loss, you will "work out till you are blue in the face". There are no shortcuts. It is a long term commitment of which fasting is just a small part and not the main focus.