results of my latest dry fast
This weekend I dry fasted for 2 days 5 hours, I could not last any longer, my previous longest was 3 days 4 hours a month a go.
This time at 5am on the 3rd day I could not sleep, could not rest, felt really weak, my mouth was only a bit dry, felt really irritable, had only negative emotions, my urine was dark yellow, had a feeling something was wrong and that if I carried on then I would die, had a headache. I had no choice other than to drink some water, if I had wanted to kill myself it would have been impossible, the symptoms of dehydration were just unbearable.
On the morning of the second day I felt very deep immune system healing, constant short sharp pains in my left kidney, knees, hips, elbows, shoulders, groin, right heel, etc. By midnight the healing had almost completly stopped. At 5am when I had a couple of sips of water the immune system activity restarted, then would die down every hour until I had another couple of sips of water.
If severe dehydration causes the immune system to shut down the healing, how come dry fasting for a long time is good for you ?
Maybe these people who do long dry fasts only get to the same point as me after 10 or 14 days, etc. I cannot understand why anyone would push through the symptoms of severe dehydration, what is on the other side? probably death.
I would never go past those symptoms. The most reliable symptoms to know when to drink again are feeling really weak and dark urine in my opinion. I would probably break future fasts a bit earlier now I now what the symptoms are, I don't see the point in getting severely dehydrated until I learn more about it.
My body loves healing my joints and bones when I dry fast!