Anne....Thank you for taking the time and energy to share your Diet with us. I see how you've prepared your Body for the long Dry Fasts you're now able to do. Forgive me for ever doubting your Methods. I especially like the Green Juices you take, and plan to start introducing them again very soon into my own Diet. Right now growing Wheatgrass and juicing Greens is more than I can handle. I've been favoring Blending to juicing here of late.
That was interesting about your Rope Jumping. I can only guess that it gives you a Spiritual Energy similar to Kriya Yoga......WY
P.S. Out of curiosity, I'm interested to know what Juicer you use for juicing Greens.
P.P.S. I'm going to stick my neck out again and make an assumption that your long Dry Fasts are more for Spiritual growth than Physical healing.