Re: best way...In season, Local, High Brix...
It's always a very good idea to eat what is 'in season' where you are. So, if you find good ripe melons in Greece, you are blessed, twice!
Sometimes it's too much of a sugar rush if the melons are not in season, or just plain not good. I broke my first 29 day fast with watermelon, and I knew right away it was not a good melon--it was poor quality in the minerals department. Had I been in the tropics, I would have loved to have had fresh-pressed sugar cane juice--which is loaded with good minerals. Minerals are what the body needs, and the more *rounded* and complex the nutrient profile, the better. This relies on good farming practices, replenishing the soil. Doing everything with care.
Google High Brix, when you get off the water fast, for a birds' eye view of what constitutes top quality plant-based food.
Less IS more-- and after a few water fasts a person appreciates the less, and can really feel it becoming more medicine than mere food. But less-is-more only when you have good, nutrient-dense food; as the hygienists always speak of.
It's remarkable really--so much can be said about the benefits of eating in season, and locally. To be brief, nature determines the best balance of minerals, potassium, sodium and so much more we can't measure yet with our instruments. Eating locally means the food is in harmonic resonance with the location, and so will act upon the body in a way that actually supports it, rather than 'attacks' or works against it, so to speak.
Edit* We shouldn't forget though, even average quality food can have its vibrational rate lifted, to be more aligned to being its best, through intentionally willing it to be so. I hope no one reading that will interpret it as some sort of hocus-pocus or egoic conjuration. It has to come from the heart, from a place of no fear and no anger...That's the so-called secret of saying Grace, that a lot of people just don't understand. Some people think Grace makes them small, when it's the opposite; it restores their true grandeur. It's as Dr Emoto has shown with his water crystal experiments. We too are largely water in makeup, so it follows that whatever we put 'out there', we end up feeding ourselves.
( Eating mindfully is the best way to eat. Just putting attention to the food makes it so much 'more'. Try it with a small piece of melon, just focusing on it, not thinking ahead to the next piece, or anything else, (or worrying about how the body will be affected...) but just being mindful about this one piece, and seeing it in all its worth.
This was the great secret of a NLP/hypnotist who helped a whole lot of people to eat less, and loss weight--(There was a TV series), without depriving themselves, or "dieting" whatsoever. They were simply to pay attention to what was on the plate, and put the fork down between bites. And to stop eating when they were full. Not to clean the plate, as some of our mothers taught us. Most of them had never even thought about being full before! Or satisfied. --Basically, this is changing the mind from a sort of animal approach to eating: that is, before someone else steals it, to one of eating like a being who is conscious and has so many reasons to be thankful) :-) Praying over food, the kind of quiet, inner prayer that blesses all who have had a part in it, is a way of loving it, and loving one's self. it's really all the same in the end.
Let us know how it all goes!