Hey, I have only been using the Molybdenum for a few weeks now, but it has absolutely made life a lot easier as far as feeling like crap because of the constant growth-die off cycle. I use 3 drops 2x/day in water when I take my other supplements after breakfast and dinner. I don't have the bottle with me, but I think the strength of all brands is the same.
As far as which supplement I received the largest result from, I'd have to say that Candex has been the most dramatic, simply because before using Candex I had gone over a year without having a solid bowel movement. Candex was what finally helped me slow my bowels down and start to feel semi-human again. I believe the Candex worked synergistically with homemade kefir to get my digestive tract functioning. I have also been noticing a dramatic effect from raw garlic, swallowed in chunks and chewed up (which is brutal).