Re: find the root cause??? not so simple
Re: the lack of quality of flora being passed down from mothers to children; that is exactly what my thought has been for a while now. I was not breast-fed as an infant, and I've been suspecting that that has been part of my problem from day one. While I didn't necessarily get seriously ill growing up, I was always a 'weak kid' and seemed to catch colds constantly.
With respect to
Antibiotics , while I think oral
Antibiotics are a large cause, how it really started with me (and with several other candida sufferers whose accounts I've read online) was with
Antibiotics received intravenously. In fact, I distinctly remember coming home from the hospital after receiving those IV antibiotics 10 years ago and having the most intense craving for sweets and carbs. I lived on practically nothing but chocolate chip granola bars for a month. In the ten years since, a junk food diet and many more courses of oral antibiotics are what tipped me over the edge.
In addition, my mouth is full of amalgams, I had been drinking tons of filthy NYC tap water FULL of heavy metal, and I now know that I was full of
parasites for God knows how long. So I guess you could say that my life thus far has been as you said a "perfect storm" of candida triggers.