Root cause seems to be antibiotics, toxins ,depressed immune system, bad digestion , high sugar diet/bad diet,,, The list can go on
Doctors never helped me too much. Most of them are not educated enough with candida. They are the reason most of us are here is because of them prescribing too much antibiotics and drugs. Most of what I learned is trial and error, but i wish i did find this forum and other forums years ago before my candida got out of control.
Maybe the younger generation is being affected even more because the antibiotics are stronger than they used to be and the parents aren't taking the time to have healthy cooked meals for their kids along with not monitoring their diet like they should because of the parents busy schedule.
Seems like the older generation( baby boomers) are just finally starting to catch on with all the junk that's in food. It sometime takes serious illness for people to start educating themselves on what is healthy eating.