Help with stomach problems
Hi i'm 17 and i've been having stomach problems for about 10 months. It all started with a quick onset of bloating, that became distention (never have i seen my stomach so big), than nausea, undigested food repeating on me after meals.
- I spent about a month on an herbal
parasite treatment (black walnut,
Wormwood , berberine, GSE). But that only slightly slowed it down.
- Then i got a rectal swab, it showed charcot-leyden crystals, we used flagyl and paramamosan, and all kinds of
Antibiotics / anti
parasite drugs for a few months. Only for a few days of those 3 or 4 cycles did i experience noticeable relief.
- After 4 cycles i was not as sick, but far away from the days before this illness, then i got very sick all of a sudden. I had c diff, that caused ulcers all in my colon. So i spent 2 weeks on vancomycin, constant diarrhea is stopped, but now i am 15lb skinnier and weak as hell. Everytime i use the bathroom my stomach within 30 seconds swells up big like a reaction.
- then i go to another doctor after a month or so (i waited for the healing but it never came), he said i probably have candida overgrowth, so i spent 40 days on nystatin, but i see very minimal improvement, and no die off like others.
- now within the last few weeks symptoms have come to include (distention/bloating after every meal and bowel movement, sudden nausea lasting no longer than a few minutes, flatulence, burping, and immediate need to evacuate a small amount of diarrhea after every meal).
- stool sample as of today is negative for c diff, negative for parasites.
Where do i go from here...I believe my doc intends to put me on alinia anyway, and to do a full stool analysis for bacteria.
I have the deepest gratitude for whomever can help me.