6 year old, yellow skin, constipation & reflux
My 6 year old has had many digestive (and other!) symptoms since birth, and was just treated for Helicobacter Pylori (the 'stomach ulcer bacteria'). Her stools turned normal for the first time after a recent
parasite cleanse, but are now getting a little messier again. She'll sometimes have yellow skin on the palms of her hands and feet, - no pale stools or other obvious symptoms of liver problems. Still, I'm convinced her liver could work better ...
She also tested positive for chronic infection, and her GP wants to put her on the Marshall protocol.
Could strengthening the liver help fight sarcoidosis?
Her younger brother also has quite a few symptoms of sluggish liver.
What can one do to safely support the liver function of children this young, or even younger? They are already on a diet which is gluten free, dairy free,
Sugar free and very low in additives/'chemicals'