Re: 6 year old, yellow skin, constipation & reflux
Thanks heaps guys, for your replies! I had email notification turned on, but was never notified and thought nobody saw my post ...
I have the Beck units, but never found a way to use the blood electrifier on the kids. Our diet has gradually gone worse (the youngest wont eat much vegetables, and fruit seems to work only on an empty stomach). As long as the kids are with me they eat
Sugar free, dairy free, gluten and wheat free, largely chemical free foods. They are sensitive to other foods; I can easily notice when they had some (belly aches, hyper activity, swollen faces etc). We use stevia (the inulin one seems to taste better than the pure one??) and distilled water, - but again I find it hard now that the kids are older, to control what they eat.
Thanks for motivating me to keep on, and improving these thing.... usually people look at me as if I am hysterical for doing this)