Solutions for dehydration?
So I'm pretty dehydrated all the time, and lately it's getting worse.
What options are there to bandaid this until my adrenals and hypoglycemia are improved?
I can't take Emergen-Cs or other electrolyte replacements because they all have sugar.
I found one that looked really promising (Electrolyte Stamina tablets by Trace Minerals Research), but I took 1/4 of a tablet, and it made my hypoglycemia pretty bad. I think it's because it has alfalfa in it - a hypoglycemic. It's too bad.
Tomorrow I'm going to try beef bone broth, but I need more ideas.
I drink a ton of (tap) water throughout the day, and I'm still dehydrated. I think what makes it worse is because all the chicken broth/fat I drink has a lot of water in it. I use one water bottle per 4 chicken thighs, so I probably drink like 4 water bottles through the broth/fat on top of the cups of water. It's probably all diluting everything. There is a plus side; all that water has probably protected my kidneys from the high protein intake, but this can't go on forever.
I eat salty canned chicken for extra salt, and take 100mgs of magnesium citrate most days. Should I play around with potassium? I have a salt substitute here called "AlsoSalt". Is it unwise to try it, due to my aldosterone levels (they were on the low end of the range), and possible salt dumping?
I noticed I react horribly with dehydration, tachycardia, and elevated BP to Redmond's RealSalt and Celtic
Sea Salt , so added salts seem off the table.
All suggestions welcome!