Sound like your the right "personal" path. Are you doing the lax tea at night and the SWF daily? It's the most efficient way to keep those toxins moving out.
Supplements are OK (not while doing the MC) to a point but you hafta understand that many of those things do not exist in nature isolated as such and are dead chemicals. More often than not they pass though your system unabsorbed and some make actually make things worse. My #1 recommendation as the best single thing anyone can do for their health it to get a juicer. The system has to break down everything into juice before beiing asorbed. when you juice you've done 80-90% of the digestion so the vitamins, mineral, live enzymes phytonutriens etc are readily absorbed into the system. To get the nutritional content into your system equal to what you get from a single glass of juice would prolly equal to eating 15-20 lbs of veggies. You can do some research and tailor your juices to address any particular isses you need to address. For the last couple of years what I've been doing is do at least 21 days of by the book MC then switch to veggie juices for another 20 days or so.
On the butt pee thing even if it was clear it still would not mean much as you could still have lots of impacted matter and toxins that will not be released without dedicated colon cleansing post the MC