As I allways advice "don't over think it" Each MC will be different and there is a myriad of possibilites that affects each MC and the possibilites are way too numerous to even attemp to sencond guess why things are happening on any particular time on the MC. Just relax and just know that you are doing yourself a world of good regardless and just press on.
Liquid yellow butt pee is not really any indication of a clear colon. As a matter of fact it is par for the course for the vast majority of MCers past day 3 or so. While the MC does help in loosening material attached to colon walls it really can't be considered a colon cleanse. Many, myself included will at times >when doing spring cleaning< follow up an MC with a colon cleanse to sweep out any loosened matter from the MC. My fave and many others is using Oxypowder post MC.
On the LF just use common sense and think about how a system might react to dumping in a buncha oil when the system is in fasting mode. So your hunch is correct. Some have done it with no ill effects while other have gotten violently ill. It is best to wait till one is weaned off the fast and back to normal eliminations which also allows the system to build up some bile before attempting to do the LF post MC
Cleansing is something one does for oneself but it can be tough specially in a spouse situation when you have them naysaying something that they don't understand in the least or have any interest in understanding. Even if they read stuff they are so set in the middle of the road mentality that they are just not going to "get it" even if it's from the point of view that they just won't admit that they are wrong.
My best advice when dealing with naysayers is to not to talk about what you are doing as little as possible and if they say anything just smile and go about your business. Even a 10 day MC we are talking very minimal results whatever your goal may be so anything less it's just.......well it's better than not doing it at all but you are not getting much accomplished as it takes 7 days +/- for the system to fully adjust to fasting and some actual cleansing to begin. So press on and don't talk about it and walk the walk and let the results speak for themselves.
For me if I'm going to go through all the trouble of fasting and many times the social isolation because many social events revolve around food I consider 21 days my minimum though I generally go for 40 days. It takes 2 weeks +/- for the causative agents to be flushed out and after that is when the actual cleansing at the cellular level begins.
Sound like your the right "personal" path. Are you doing the lax tea at night and the SWF daily? It's the most efficient way to keep those toxins moving out.
Supplements are OK (not while doing the MC) to a point but you hafta understand that many of those things do not exist in nature isolated as such and are dead chemicals. More often than not they pass though your system unabsorbed and some make actually make things worse. My #1 recommendation as the best single thing anyone can do for their health it to get a juicer. The system has to break down everything into juice before beiing asorbed. when you juice you've done 80-90% of the digestion so the vitamins, mineral, live enzymes phytonutriens etc are readily absorbed into the system. To get the nutritional content into your system equal to what you get from a single glass of juice would prolly equal to eating 15-20 lbs of veggies. You can do some research and tailor your juices to address any particular isses you need to address. For the last couple of years what I've been doing is do at least 21 days of by the book MC then switch to veggie juices for another 20 days or so.
On the butt pee thing even if it was clear it still would not mean much as you could still have lots of impacted matter and toxins that will not be released without dedicated colon cleansing post the MC
Good thing if you were doing vitamins on the cleanse that you stoped them cause you certainly would not be doing yourself any favors. One you'd pee most if not all of them out and since the main working of the MC is to give the digestive system a rest it working at odds to this principle because the body would have to spend energy otherwise used for cleansing and healing to digestg and process the solid vitamins. The other minus is that sisnce digestion woulda remained active it is highly likely that you would remain hungry thoughout the fast.
While the MC is a good overall cleanse it is not considered a colon clenase so don't guide yourself by the butt pee. Do your colonics post MC regardless.
While there are the juicers that are considered the better ones the best juicer still comes down to the best one is the one you have and will use. So crank that baby up and juice them veggies.
My favorite and pretty much my daily staple veggie juice is as follows.
2 lbs of carrots
2-3 good sized stalks of celery
1/3 to 1/2 red beet depending on size
Parsley and Cilantro. A bunch each where the stems amount to the cirmuference of one finger
2 green apples
Thumb size chunk of ginger
My other regular juice is to cut back on the content of the carrots and beets is
2 Cucumbers
2-3 stalks of celery
some of your fave leafy greens (kale,spinach, romain etc) aqnd/or parsley and cilantro
2 Apples
Chunk of Ginger
Greens can be pretty bitter when juices so I use the apples and ginger to mellow it out
besides them also being having excellent nutritional content and the ginger is also good for digestion
Don't forget leafy greens!! Besides the amazing nutrition they provide the chlorophyl they contain is a great blood purifier. Do a little research on the nutritive value and benefits of juicing thing like parsley, cilantro kale etc